Calendar on MS Office 2013

Option 2 | The "Monthview" Control doesn't currently exist

  1. Close Excel Application
  2. Download MSCOMCT2.cab (it's a cabinet file which extracts into two useful files)
  3. Extract MSCOMCT2.cab Files | the .inf file and the .ocx file
  4. Install | right-click the .inf file | hit "Install"

Additional Control
VBA UserFrom MS Office 2013

Option 3 | if The "Additional Control" doesn't currently exist or disable,
To enable "additional Control" on VBA UserForm you can Follow this step
  1. Open Excel Application
  2. Go to File -> Option -> Trust Center -> Trust Center Setting
  3. On ActiveX Setting Select "Enable All Control Without Prompting" and Press OK

Add Date Picker To
VBA UserForm Office 2013

Its work on Windows 7 (x64) | Windows 8.0 (x64) | Windows 8.1 (x64) | MS Office 2013 32-bit (x86)

Option 1 | Check if ability already exists
  1. Open VB Editor (alt+F11)
  2. Go To Tools -> Additional Controls
  3. Select "Microsoft Monthview Control 6.0 (SP6)" (if applicable)
  4. Use 'DatePicker' control for VBA Userform

Option 2 | The "Monthview" Control doesn't currently exist
Option 3 | if The "Additional Control" doesn't currently exist or disable

Microsoft Toolkit 2.5.1
for Windows 8.1 and Office 2013

Microsoft Toolkit - Official KMS Solution for Microsoft Products

This is a set of tools and functions for managing licensing, deploying, and activating Microsoft Office and Windows. All output from these functions is displayed in the Information Console. All functions are run in the background and the GUI is disabled to prevent running multiple functions, as they could conflict or cause damage if run concurrently. The Microsoft Office Setup Customization Functions (Customize Setup Tab), AutoKMS Uninstaller (if AutoKMS is installed), AutoRearm Uninstaller (if AutoRearm is installed), Office Uninstaller and Product Key Checker work even if Microsoft Office or Windows is not installed/supported. For information about individual functions, see the program readme.

  1. Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 or 4.5 (Not 3.5)
  2. Microsoft Office 2010 or Later for Office Toolkit Support
  3. Windows Vista or Later for Windows Toolkit Support

Microsoft Toolkit 2.5.1 Changelog:
  1. Added Channel Switching of Microsoft Office 2013 SP1 pure edition (SP1 not in Updates folder).
  2. Allow AutoKMS to use EZ-Activator routines using command-line parameters (AutoKMS.exe /EZActivator).
  3. Fixed Show CMID not working due to being located in 1 of 2 different WMI SPP providers depending on OS.
  4. Fixed Show Unlicensed display never showing if you have no keys installed.
  5. Improved Channel Switcher unsupported detection.

  1. Bosh for the original GUI Design and co-development of Office Toolkit
  2. ZWT for the original KMSEmulator
  3. letsgoawayhell, Phazor, nosferati87, and mikmik38 for KMSEmulator fixes and improvements
  4. MasterDisaster, FreeStyler, Daz, nononsense, and janek2012 for work on Key Checker

Downloads Link:

Download Torrent downloader
GET Microsoft Toolkit 2.5.1 Torrent
must be use Torrent downloader !

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Cara Mengaktifkan Microsoft
FrameWork 3.5 (include 2.0 dan 3.0)

Berikut ini adalah cara praktis Menginstal / mengaktifkan Microsoft Frame Work 3.5 Secara Offline, khususnya dalam hal ini menggunakan Sistem Operasi Windows 8.1 x64 x86.

  1. Siapkan Windows 8 atau windows 8.1 yang anda gunakan menginstal ulang PC / Notebook anda. 
  2. Pastikan di dalam folder windows tersebut ada Folder "\Sources\Sxs" karena folder tersebut adalah Source untuk mengaktifkan Microsoft FrameWork 3.5 secara Offline.
  3. Buka Search - Command Prompt - Run As Administrator.
  4. Ketik :
    dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /Source:E:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess
    kemudian Klik enter.
    E:\ di atas merupakan Tempat saya meletak kan file Windows 8.1 yang saya miliki (Flash disk)
    E:\ bisa di ubah sesuai dengan USB (Flash disk) anda berada. 
  5. Tunggu sampai proses selesai 100% maka Terinstal lah sudah Microsoft Framework 3.5 pada PC / notebook anda.

Jika anda tidak memiliki Flashdisk dengan kapasitas besar untuk menampung file installer Windows 8.1 yang anda miliki maka alternatif lain ialah meng"COPY" file folder "Sxs" pada windows 8.1 anda ke dalam Drive C:\ dengan cara sebagai berikut:

  1. Buat sebuah folder pada drive C:\ dengan nama "sources"
  2. COPY folder "Sxs" yang ada pada Folder Windows Installer anda

    sebagai contoh disini saya Copy melalui Drive D:\ milik saya
  3. PASTE folder "Sxs" yang telah di copy ke dalam Folder Sources yang baru kita buat di Drive C:\
  4. Buka Search - Command Prompt - Run As Administrator. 
  5. Ketik :
    dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /Source:C:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess

    kemudian Klik enter.
    C:\ di atas merupakan Tempat saya meletak kan file Windows 8.1 yang baru kita buat dan COPAS tadi
  6. Tunggu sampai proses selesai 100% maka Terinstal lah sudah Microsoft Framework 3.5 pada PC / notebook anda. 

Dengan Demikian maka Microsoft Framework 3.5 telah aktif disertai dengan Framework 2.0 dan 3.0 dengan cara Offline